Are you going to the bathroom? Take me with you and no one will ever know. Oseaan, the bestkept secret
OSEAAN is a product patented by the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce through resolution 64384 of October 31, 2013 for the creation of the "CHEMICAL ABSORBENT FORMULA.
Product Qualities
Produced with certified essential oils, four droplets are enough for an effective odor neutralization. Apply directly to the toilet bowl and use without worries. Its 10 ml version gives you 400 drops for about 100 uses. An effective solution for the use of W.C. in hotels, residences, farms and anywhere where the situation takes you by surprise. As an odor neutralizer, it can be used in other places that can cause bad smells, such as traps, wastes, etc.
Product Certification
Poder Neutralizante:
Neutralizing Power: The neutralizing power of Oseaan has been certified by CPL AROMAS.
How do I use it?
OSEAAN neutralizes the bad smells caused by the use of W.C. You only need 4 drops before each use. Put them in the surface of the toilet water and sit comfortably. Peace of mind guaranteed.
Take them anywhere you want to go
OSEAAN will be with you in your office, social gatherings, farm, private spaces, etc.
OSEAAN, the best kept secret
The best travel companion for you to relax. Only 4 drops will be enough before using the W.C.